There Is Less Wheat, But Bread Will Not Become More Expensive

There Is Less Wheat, But Bread Will Not Become More Expensive
There Is Less Wheat, But Bread Will Not Become More Expensive

Although wheat yields are 5% lower than last year, bread prices will not change, Radoslav Hristov of the National Association of Grain Producers told Darik Radio.

There will be grain for bread, there is no danger of crisis - says the expert, and the industry adds that not only wheat but also corn and sunflower are in lower quantities than last year.

The harvest in our country is completely over, and many places point out that the harvest is not as good as it was in 2014.

According to the data from the Ministry of Agriculture, 4.7 million tons of wheat and 1.2 million tons of sunflower have been harvested in Bulgaria this year, and in 2015 the sown areas were more.

However, the lower yield will not affect the price of bread, experts are adamant, as this amount will be enough for the needs of the country. According to the data, in the last 5 years Bulgarians have consumed about 1.2 million wheat.

Last month, the National Branch Union of Bakers and Confectioners also assured that pasta will not become more expensive, even if the planned increase in electricity takes place.


As the reason for keeping the old prices, the president of the union - Mariana Kukusheva, pointed out the low solvency of the Bulgarians, as well as the unfair competition from the gray sector in the branch.

45% of the competition belongs to the gray sector and a significant difference in prices will make the goods of legal traders practically unsaleable.

Most of the consumers in our country have low incomes and would prefer the cheaper and dubious products on the market.

The president of the National Branch Union of Bakers and Confectioners adds that in order to compensate the producers who pay higher electricity bills, but also to keep the price of bread, the gray sector in the branch should come to light.
