Side Effects From The Consumption Of Wild Yams

Side Effects From The Consumption Of Wild Yams
Side Effects From The Consumption Of Wild Yams

There is no conclusive evidence for either the positive effects of mexican sweet potatoand for his Side Effects.

Recommended see yams not to become part of the treatment of young children precisely because of the fact that there are not enough solid studies on the strength of its beneficial properties. In addition, it is believed that if taken from an early age, it is dangerous to accumulate in the body and subsequently lead to early puberty in girls and delayed sexual development in boys. Future generations may also be affected, affecting early embryogenesis.

It is considered large doses of this wild sweet potatoes can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Although rare, to side effects of wild yam consumption rashes, asthma and others may be added. It is not recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers at all.

As we know, sweet potatoes from Mexico contain phytoestrogen, which after additional chemical reactions is converted into progesterone. As a result of this composition, creams made from this wild yam are somewhat unreliable because the amount in the cream varies. In addition, progesterone can also be observed side effects such as headaches, chest tightness, upset stomach, constipation and irritability. In rare cases, dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath, blurred vision, seizures, swelling of the lips, mouth and throat.

Additives from wild yam
Additives from wild yam

The use of wild yams in the form of tea can cause side effectsby interacting with other herbs, supplements or medications. And it is right to consult a specialist.

And again due to the content of plant estrogen intake of foods, supplements or others preparations containing wild yams, in women with cancer is uncertain and possibly unfavorable. For this reason, it is necessary to first consult a doctor. It should also be avoided by people who have problems with blood clotting due to the likelihood of blood clots forming.
