Important For The Siren

Important For The Siren
Important For The Siren

Cheese - a product that we use every day for breakfast, lunch or dinner, we use it in the preparation of sandwiches, main dishes, soups, salads, and even in desserts.

There are many legends about the origin of the cheese. One of them tells how one early morning an Arab merchant named Kanan set off on a long journey through the desert, taking with him some food and milk, which he put in a traditional nomadic vessel (dried sheep's stomach). In the evening the merchant stopped and said to quench his thirst with milk, but instead of milk a yellow liquid flowed from the fur, and at the bottom there was a thick white mixture, this was the first cheese according to this legend.

The technology of making, the method of storage and the type of cheese are far different from those that were in ancient times. In some countries, making cheese has become a national pride, such countries are Italy, Switzerland, France, Denmark, the Netherlands, in each area and province are produced hundreds types of cheesewhich differ in appearance, taste and aroma.

Cheeses are classified into several different groups: According to the type of milk: cow's, sheep's, goat's, buffalo's or a mixture of milk. In some Arab countries, camel's milk cheese is made, and Ilvas Finnish cheese is the only one of its kind - it is made from moose milk.

Cheeses are also determined by hardness: the more ripe a cheese is, the harder it is.

Fresh cheese - they have a high percentage of water, cannot mature and cannot be stored for a long time. Such cheeses are white feta cheese, cottage cheese and cream cheeses. White Bulgarian cheeses also fall into this category.

Soft cheeses - these cheeses ripen in a very short time and have a greasy consistency: Camembert, Brie, etc.

Semi-hard cheese - are characterized by elasticity and can be easily cut into slices: Roquefort, Gouda

Hard cheese - most of them cannot be cut into thin slices, in most cases they are crushed or scraped: Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano and others.

Important for the siren
Important for the siren

Serving the cheese

The most beautiful kind to be served on the siren is on a beautiful board, they are arranged clockwise, first putting the softest cheese and it is on the number 6, then the cheese with a more pronounced aroma, and finally the most spicy cheese, arranged at a distance of one on the other hand, in order not to mix the aromas, nuts and fruits are added according to the type of cheese, walnuts and almonds are suitable for greasy cheeses, grapes and pears are suitable for delicate soft cheeses.

Combining cheese with wine

Usually for most people, cheese goes hand in hand with wine, as does salt with pepper or fish with french fries, Shopska salad with brandy. But not every wine fits every cheese.

More spicy cheeses require stronger wine, cheeses with a sweet taste do not go well with fresh wines, the more ripe a cheese is, the more mature the wine.
