Do Not Eat Partially Spoiled Apples! That's Why

Do Not Eat Partially Spoiled Apples! That's Why
Do Not Eat Partially Spoiled Apples! That's Why

What do we usually do with apples that have some brown spots or one side of them looks slightly injured. Should we throw them away? No, we will carefully begin to remove their damaged parts with the idea that the apple is a priceless fruit and in no case should we throw away anything from it.

We will cut it and stubbornly cut everything that seems wrong to us, even if there are 2 bites left of the apple itself. This is the truth itself. And why not grate it and make an apple pie or cream from it?

Have you ever thought, however, that this could happen extremely unhealthy for ourselves. It is enough for one fruit, whether it is an apple or not, for only 1/3 of it to be spoiled, to make the whole fruit unfit for consumption. This is due to the fact that in spoiled parts of the apple mycotoxins lurk that are not noticeable at first glance.

We are taught not to throw food, but this does not apply to fruits that have any sign of spoilage. This is proved by the study of Rosa Porel from the Polytechnic University of Valencia, which was published in November 2019 in Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

The researcher explains that very small parts can be seen on the surface of the apples, which do not look very good, but the inside of the apple has a healthy appearance. However, this is only apparent, because they appear from the surface to its core mycotoxinswhich are invisible to us. The result would be the same if you decide to eat from the rotten parts of the apple.

Of course, not everyone knows what mycotoxins are, so we will quote Rosa Parel herself, who explains: These are substances produced by fungi that do not smell or taste. However, they can lead to chronic intoxication, which can cause serious health problems, such as liver and kidney cancer. The risk of infection is especially high after eating spoiled apples.

In addition, mycotoxins are not removed after heat treatment of apples such as baking or cooking. Rotten apples they simply have to be discarded, even if there are parts of them that seem healthy to us at first glance.
