Cook With Tomatoes To Have A Healthy Heart

Cook With Tomatoes To Have A Healthy Heart
Cook With Tomatoes To Have A Healthy Heart

According to a recent study by researchers at the University of Verona, processed tomatoes contain more antioxidants.

This in turn means that they are useful and can protect the heart from various diseases. The results of the study show that cooked tomatoes have a much higher amount of lycopene than raw vegetables.

Lycopene, as you know, is the substance that gives tomatoes their red color. Scientists are convinced that a few tablespoons of tomato juice can help us and significantly reduce the risk of heart disease. The study involved 20 men, divided into two separate groups.

One group put tomato juice on their lunch menu, which was high in fat. Accordingly, the other group ate their lunch without tomato juice.

Scientists are convinced that only 80 ml of boiled tomatoes completely eliminate the damage that fat leaves on the lining of blood vessels and prevent endothelial dysfunction.


Not only tomatoes can help us to enjoy a healthy heart. Another study claims that women should eat yogurt if they do not want to have heart problems. Scientists from Australia have found that yogurt does not allow blood vessels to harden at a later age.

Hardening carries the risk of suffering from many diseases, including heart disease. In the study, researchers looked at women over the age of 70. They all consumed a moderate amount of yogurt.

Scientists emphasize that in addition to the good effect that yogurt has on blood vessels, it can increase the levels of good cholesterol - HDL-cholesterol.

The participants in the study were 1080 - specialists asked them questions about their lifestyle. Researchers claim that women who ate 100 grams of yogurt a day had healthier blood vessels.

The good thing about yogurt is that it can be consumed for breakfast or lunch. And you have a choice - with fruit or plain.
