Curious About The Manner Of Eating In Different Nationalities

Curious About The Manner Of Eating In Different Nationalities
Curious About The Manner Of Eating In Different Nationalities

Every self-respecting person strives to behave culturally and to be well-mannered in public places. The way you eat is an extremely important indicator of what kind of person you really are.

When you are in the country where you were born and raised, then you are most likely familiar with the accepted label and the likelihood of exposing yourself to a restaurant is minimal. On the other hand, almost every corner of the globe has its own views and differences, both for life in general and for cultural nutrition.

Here are some examples that will prove to you that it is not bad to get acquainted with life there before buying a ticket to a distant and unknown destination.

Korea - It may seem strange and unacceptable to us, but don't be surprised if you visit Korea and see people eating fish and spitting its bones directly on the floor. This is the custom and no one puts the remains of fish on the table.

Japan - If you hear Japanese people sipping noodles loudly in their soup, this does not mean that they are rude, but rather shows their gratitude and pleasant attitude to the delicious dish.

Eating in the summer
Eating in the summer

Zambia - One of the most common appetizers in Zambia is dried mouse. It is eaten without the tail, which is left at the end to brush your teeth with it.

Mongolia - If you feel full and do not want more food, put your hand on the bowl and this way the hosts understand that you have finished the feast. Do not expect to see a table in the home of these people, because they usually live as nomads and adjust their diet to the place where they are and the surrounding nature.

Philippines - No matter how hungry you are, if you want to be a cultural guest, you have to wait for the hosts to invite you to sit at the table, to tell you exactly where to do it and last but not least when to start eating.

If you take the initiative into your own hands, your hosts will be disappointed with your upbringing.
