Celery - The Body's Natural Cleanser

Celery - The Body's Natural Cleanser
Celery - The Body's Natural Cleanser

Celery is a plant that is very similar to parsley, with the difference that it is a taller plant, its leaves are larger and creates a spherical root. Several species of celery are known, but the most common is the leafy and the one that makes a spherical root.

The useful ingredients are found in all parts of the plant, both in the base and in the stem and leaves, as well as in the seed itself. In the past, celery was grown only in autumn and early spring, and today it can be found (in markets and markets) throughout the year.

Celery contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals in all its parts - in the leaves, stem and root. Celery leaves are rich in vitamin C and carotene, and the root contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus.

Celery is very useful for the human body. The Japanese purify their body by eating only celery of any kind one day a week. So why don't we do the same?

Celery not only removes toxins from the body, but helps regulate blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on diseases of the liver and bile and helps regulate blood sugar, which is why it is recommended for diabetics.

Celery is a pronounced diuretic (just like parsley), therefore it expels excess fluids from the body, and this helps reduce swelling. So celery stimulates the kidneys and is useful for people with edema caused by cardiovascular disease.

Application of celery in cooking

Celery leaves
Celery leaves

Celery can be consumed in any form. It can be eaten fresh, in soups, legumes, can be stewed, fried. It can be drizzled with yogurt, cream and cheese. Of course, the most useful is fresh. The leaves and seeds are used as spices.

Every part of celery is edible - leaves, stems, roots. The root is usually boiled or baked, the stems are usually used raw. The leaves and seeds are an excellent spice to any legume. Celery can be added to salads and goes well with any type of meat, fish or seafood.

Did you know that?

1. The finer the celery root, the more pronounced the aroma.

2. Although it may not be necessary, but it is good to know that the leaves can be preserved for the winter - finely chopped, in addition to salt, stored in a glass jar. To 100 g of leaves add 20 g of salt.

Remember: the healing properties of celery are most pronounced only if eaten fresh, without heat treatment! Celery is not a panacea, it serves only as a prophylaxis and should be consumed more often.
