Eating During Painful Menstruation

Eating During Painful Menstruation
Eating During Painful Menstruation

Painful menstruation is known to many women around the world. The medical term is called dysmenorrhea, which begins when the contractions of the uterus intensify.

This condition is characterized by severe cramps, but there may also be pain and heaviness, vomiting, nausea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, loss of appetite, depression.

One of the determining factors for the presence of dysmenorrhea is poor nutrition. Risky foods are synthetic preservatives, fatty and fried foods, caffeine and all those fast foods that surround us everywhere.

To reduce the risk of painful menstruation, we must pay serious attention to diet.

Cold green foods, such as spinach and salads, are most effective for stabbing pain. Legumes, grains and oats, stewed vegetables and flaxseed oil have a calming effect.

Some fish such as salmon, trout and tuna are also helpful in menstrual cramps.

Eating during painful menstruation
Eating during painful menstruation

According to some experts, menstrual cramps of emotional origin can be soothed with the consumption of tofu. For complete relaxation of the body and relaxation of the nerves, eat warm tofu with a sweet sauce.

Emphasize the consumption of foods rich in fiber, such as fruits and vegetables and whole grains.

To prevent swelling before and after menstruation, reduce salt and limit alcohol and carbonated beverages. Drink more water and maintain physical activity. Sport gives a good effect not only on physical shape, but also keeps the emotional state in good shape.

In more severe cases of dysmenorrhea, dietary supplements containing calcium, magnesium and vitamin E may be helpful.

It is well known that during menstruation, women tend to overdo foods such as chocolate, ice cream and chips. Do your best to replace these harmful foods with avocados, nuts and salmon. This will not only provide you with the necessary vitamins and amino acids, but also save you extra calories.

In more severe cases of dysmenorrhea, consultation with a doctor is recommended.
