Do Not Overdo It With Turmeric, No Matter How Useful It Is

Do Not Overdo It With Turmeric, No Matter How Useful It Is
Do Not Overdo It With Turmeric, No Matter How Useful It Is

More and more people are aware of the almost miraculous health benefits of turmeric. The spice, which is able to give a unique taste to each dish, has a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it one of the best means to fight free radicals in the body and most diseases caused by them.

However, turmeric should be taken in moderation, because if we overdo it, it can seriously damage our health. Excessive use of the spice leads to some extremely unpleasant side effects that you should be aware of.

The recommended daily dose for a person is considered to be about one teaspoon. Each gram more can cause you trouble by causing side effects in your body. An overdose at first can make you upset, nauseous and dizzy.

Even more dangerous is the overdose with turmeric, if you take capsules synthesized curcumin - the main ingredient that gives the miraculous properties of the spice. Overdosing them can seriously damage your health. Most experts recommend taking turmeric in its natural form without seeking help from the pharmaceutical industry,


The most common side effect of overdoing it is an upset stomach. More than the required dose can inflame your stomach and cause you severe pain and cramps.

Turmeric can also lead to the development of kidney stones. The spice contains oxalates, which may increase the risk of developing kidney disease. The substances bind to calcium in the body and form insoluble calcium oxalate, which is a major cause of kidney stones.

Curcumin, taken in large quantities, has the property of complicating the gastrointestinal tract, causing diarrhea and nausea with excessive consumption. No less dangerous, coming from overdosing on the spice, is the possible allergic reaction to some compounds present in turmeric, which can cause rashes and even shortness of breath. Allergic reactions can occur both when swallowed and in contact with the skin.


Excessive consumption of turmeric can suppress the absorption of iron in the body. Thus, people with iron deficiency should be careful not to add too much turmeric to their daily meals, as this can reduce the body's ability to absorb the important mineral.
