Do Not Overdo The Consumption Of Soy, Spinach And Oranges

Do Not Overdo The Consumption Of Soy, Spinach And Oranges
Do Not Overdo The Consumption Of Soy, Spinach And Oranges

Spinach - if consumed in excess, it can form kidney stones. This is due to the high content of oxalate in it. Despite its poor quality it is very useful. Spinach is rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is an antioxidant that helps prevent age-related macular degeneration (the cause of vision loss and blindness).

Oranges - Excessive consumption of oranges leads to reflux. Not only the intake of orange leads to reflux, but in general the intake of acidic foods. Reflux is the return of food from the stomach to the esophagus. If you do not overdo it, it is a useful fruit that is very rich in vitamin C. It is recommended not to consume more than 2 servings of oranges a day.


Soybeans - If you overdo it, it can make it harder to absorb iron and lead to iron deficiency anemia. And prolonged consumption of large amounts of soy can lead to uterine cancer. Despite these negative qualities, if soy is consumed in moderation, it is good for the body. Helps control cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
