Dr. Mermerski: Protect Your Health With These Foods

Dr. Mermerski: Protect Your Health With These Foods
Dr. Mermerski: Protect Your Health With These Foods

Many people have heard the name of Pierre Ducan and his protein diet or that of Robert Atkins and the carbohydrate diet associated with his name, but the name of our eminent Prof. Dr. Mermerski, who is the author of 13 books on natural and folk medicine.

Together with his son he has researched over 100 of the most popular Bulgarian products available on our market and has proven their healing properties. Here are some valuable tips from Prof. Dr. Mermerski on health and nutrition:

- According to Prof. Dr. Mermerski, Bulgarian yogurt, in addition to containing essential amino acids, has the ideal ratio between fat and protein. It is extremely easy to digest and supplies the human body with energy. According to the professor, if you consume 1 cup a day, you can effectively stop osteoporosis and prevent stomach cancer;

- You can tell if the yogurt is real if you leave it for about 2-3 hours at room temperature. It should release the so-called nail on its surface, which is a yellowish liquid;


- In fact, Bulgarian yogurt is the basis for the prevention of many diseases, and it can also lose weight. You just need to dissolve in 1 cup of yogurt 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1 tablespoon of apple 100 percent pectin and 40 drops of 30 percent propolis tincture. The latter ingredients may sound strange, but they are sold in all pharmacies. With this delicious milk decoction you can have breakfast and dinner and soon the scales will show its effectiveness;

- According to Prof. Dr. Mermerski, healthy foods are divided into 11 groups, the most important of which are fruits, vegetables, yogurt, wine and grapes;

- Among the most valuable vegetables and fruits for the brain are potatoes and grapes, because they are extremely rich in carbohydrates. In addition, they are an ideal substitute for bread. The fact is that northern peoples, who consume more potatoes than bread, do not suffer as often as we do from colitis or gastritis;

- Prof. Dr. Mermerski fully agrees with the Chinese philosophy that white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and soy are among the most useful foods and act directly on the external beauty;


- It is good, when you are thirsty, not to drink only water, but to replace it from time to time with melon, watermelon or cucumber;

- It is good to eat roasted fish because it contains selenium, which is a valuable antioxidant;

- Like all other specialists, Prof. Dr. Mermerski advises to use only olive oil, not oil.
