Take Care Of Your Heart With A Muesli Breakfast

Take Care Of Your Heart With A Muesli Breakfast
Take Care Of Your Heart With A Muesli Breakfast

If you care about your heart working properly, just eat muesli in the morning. A whole grain breakfast will reduce the risk of heart failure.

This is scientifically proven by a study in the United States that lasted more than 19 years. The subjects were divided into groups. Those who did not consume a mix of oat, rye, wheat or barley nuts were diagnosed with a high rate of heart failure.

Whole grain breakfast
Whole grain breakfast

What characterizes heart failure? With reduced working capacity of the heart. The most important muscle in our body fails to pump the required amount of blood. Most often, heart failure affects men and women over the age of 40.

And now a little more detail about muesli. Muesli is a food mixture of mashed oats, to which can be added wheat grains, dried fruits, walnuts, corn husks, hazelnuts, almonds, peeled sunflower seeds…

Whole grains contain fiber, which has a low glycemic index and has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Muesli with fruit
Muesli with fruit

The glycemic index does not raise blood sugar, which in turn reduces the risk of diabetes and overweight.

The Swiss doctor Maximilian Bircher-Benner is considered to be the parent of muesli. In 1900, he first used the mixture for his patient.

In 1960, dried fruits were first added to muesli. This option is still relevant today.

Muesli is considered an extremely healthy food that contains a large amount of carbohydrates and proteins. Cereals are a rich source of B vitamins - B1, PP, B6, folic acid.

Muesli most often consumed with yogurt or milk. Sugar or honey can be used as a sweetener.
