How Products Take Care Of Your Health

How Products Take Care Of Your Health
How Products Take Care Of Your Health

Every food product takes care of your health. It is enough to know the properties of food to be able to consume your medicines directly from the plate.

Hard yellow cheese takes care of the strength of bones and teeth. The calcium it contains prevents osteoporosis. The same qualities have cottage cheese, fish oil, oily fish, egg yolks, butter, soy milk.

Bananas are especially good for the nervous system and the heart. The main useful component in bananas are potassium salts, which strengthen the nervous system and heart muscle.

Dried apricots, dried figs, raisins, oranges, tangerines, potatoes, rose hips, walnuts, wholemeal bread, oily fish, seafood, fresh vegetables and yeast have the same beneficial properties.

Blueberries take care of the immune system. Vitamin C, which is contained in delicious fruits, helps to quickly heal wounds and slows down aging.

Such qualities have rose hips, sweet peppers, citrus fruits, yogurt, parsley, kiwi, potatoes. Potatoes, in addition, take care of improving metabolism.


This favorite food of many people is a great regulator of appetite and mood. Grapes, yeast bread, wholemeal bread, wheat bran have the same qualities.

Seafood takes care of the condition of vision. Amino acids contained in seafood protect the eyes from toxins. Grapes, blueberries, apples, mangoes, apricots, prunes and melons have the same effect on eyesight.

Chicken keeps hair shiny and nails firm and healthy. Nitrogen, which is a key element in our proteins that build, maintain and repair body tissues, is found in chicken.

Nitrogen is also found in fruits, seafood, duck meat, turkey meat. Chocolate takes care of the good condition of the brain. The use of tea and coffee affects the brain in the same way.

Brain activity is activated by theobromine, caffeine, serotonin, vitamin E contained in them. Eggs, oily fish, linseed oil and fresh fruits also stimulate brain activity.
