Which Countries Are The Biggest Fans Of Bulgarian Wine

Which Countries Are The Biggest Fans Of Bulgarian Wine
Which Countries Are The Biggest Fans Of Bulgarian Wine

Bulgaria is famous for its wine, not only in Bulgaria but also in the world. We present which countries are the biggest fans of our Bulgarian wine.

Among the countries in the European Union, the biggest fans of Bulgarian wines are the Poles. They are followed by our neighbors from Romania and the Czechs.

In the period 2011-2015, over 70 million liters of wine were exported to Poland, and in 2016 it was 12 million liters. This is shown by the data of the National Statistical Institute.

Outside the European Union, Bulgarian wine is very popular in Australia. Over 60 million liters of wine have been exported to the continent over a period of 5 years.

For ten months of 2016, Russia ranks first in the import of Bulgarian wine among countries outside the community - 1.2 million liters About 400 thousand liters were exported to China and over 200 thousand liters to Japan.

Red wine
Red wine

Bulgarians are usually fond of native wines, but the most popular imported wine in our country is Spanish. Wines from Italy and France follow. Outside the community, we import wine mainly from Moldova, New Zealand and Chile.

According to the data of the National Statistical Institute, the average prices of table white wine in Bulgaria in 2015 were BGN 2.28 per 0.75 l, the same amount of red wine cost an average of BGN 6.29.

According to statistics, in 2015 the areas planted with vineyards in Bulgaria were nearly 60 thousand hectares, and 204 companies worked in the production of the beverage. In the 12 months, 136.6 million liters of wine were produced, employing a total of 3,500 people in the sector.
