Growing Mahogany

Growing Mahogany
Growing Mahogany

When planting any plants, the most common advice is - choose a well-lit place in the sun. And no matter how many such places you have, there is always a shady corner that you don't know what to do with. Here is the solution - Japanese mahogany.

Mahogany, and especially Japanese, is one of the few plants that grows well in the shade. It is a pure shade-loving plant. While among other plants there are those that tolerate shade, she frankly prefers it.

Mahonia is an ornamental evergreen shrub with a maximum height of 4 m. It comes from China and Japan, where it enjoys great respect. Its leaves replace the lack of thorns, as they have a serrated periphery with sharp, prickly tips.

Growing mahogany
Growing mahogany

The flowering period is May-June. Its flowers are large, lemon yellow and are arranged like clusters. From them, in the fall, ripen elliptical, dark blue fruits. The fruit of the mahogany is edible. In cooking it is used to make jams, syrups and various drinks.

As it turned out, when you grow mahogany, you need to choose the most shady place in the garden. You can find it in garden centers and nurseries.

It is planted in groups and is most often used to cover areas under large trees. Single pieces of mahogany would not be effective, especially after flowering.

Growing mahogany
Growing mahogany

One of the options for propagation is by seeds. They should be planted before the fruits are fully ripe. If harvesting is delayed, mature seeds should be placed in moist sand and planted in spring in flower beds.

Since propagation by seeds is a slow method of planting, vegetative is most often used. This is done by lateral shoots released by the plant, taking root and being covered with soil. Planted in a new place, they give rise to new shrubs.

Mahonia loves moisture. In addition, it withstands cold, but at -18 degrees it is possible for younger twigs to freeze. However, the powerful root system helps to shoot new shoots around them in the spring without any problems.

For this purpose, the damaged parts are removed. When combining mahogany with other shade-loving species, it often needs to be pruned, otherwise it will suffocate them.
