Shocking Facts We Don't Know About McDonald's Burgers

Shocking Facts We Don't Know About McDonald's Burgers
Shocking Facts We Don't Know About McDonald's Burgers

There is no doubt that Big Mac is the most cult and best-selling product of the popular fast food chain. Tempting with the two greasy and toasted beef meatballs, gathered in a three-layer sandwich, seasoned with the distinctive palate-sticky sauce, topped with American cheese, sliced lettuce, diced onions, pickles and white sesame breads, 5 Big Mare contains 10 grams of saturated fat - approximately 51% of the individual daily intake that is recommended.

When we are clinging to the hustle and bustle of the weekday, hurrying and looking at how to quickly quench hunger, perhaps the most acceptable solution is to eat something that we can hold in our hands and at the same time not have to stand and to waste time eating it.

What could be better in this case than a sandwich that is not only easy to eat, but also tasty enough to satisfy all our taste buds for sweet, sour and fatty? But this easy and cheap food can cost us too much later - not only financially, but also as an impact on our health.

Due to the mass worldwide distribution of the sandwich with the popular American brand, it is used by the Economist magazine to measure the value of life. According to the US National Center for Biotechnology Information, the consumption of fast food such as Big Mac is contributing to the increase in overweight and obesity among Americans, which has long reached epidemic proportions.

All this leads to a sharp increase in healthcare costs. At present, obesity costs the United States an average of 190 billion a year to support health care facilities, insure insurance costs, and so on.

If you love eating at McDonald's and in most cases your choice is Big Mac, you may have wondered what could be the reason for its notoriety. The following short list of facts can make you think about the real price we pay for a burger - from health consequences to economic damage.

One thing is for sure - Big Mac is not harmless if we do not think about how often we consume it and what overall philosophy for proper nutrition we share.

Big Mac menu
Big Mac menu

One Big Mac burger contains 540 calories, 29 grams of fat and 1,040 milligrams of sodium. The sandwich satisfies 28% of the recommended daily calorie intake, 45% of total fat and 43% of sodium.

If you somehow add one Big Mac to your daily diet within a year, the balance for this period will be that you have gained an additional 197,100 calories or 25 kilograms of body weight.

900 million Big Mac burgers are sold every year. This means that 2.5 million units are bought around the clock. McDonald's has changed the way not only Americans but the whole world eats. The World Health Organization estimates that by 2015, more than 700 million people worldwide will be overweight.

To make a burger, McDonald's uses frozen beef meatballs. They are not made from meat that is supplied by a specific meat processing plant or supplier. Each meatball contains meat from about 1,000 cows from 5 different countries.

Americans alone eat 5.5 million cattle in the form of burgers at McDonald's each year. One cow produces 100-250 liters of methane per day - the same amount is released into the atmosphere during the movement of a car.

550 million Big Macs are sold in more than 12,000 restaurants in the United States each year - a contribution of an average of more than $ 150,000 to each local economy. Even in the midst of the recession, McDonald's encouraged the creation of 60,000 jobs in America in 2011. It is known that every 1 in 8 Americans has worked at some point, rolling a Big Mac burger.

Big Mac is sold in 36 countries around the world - from Argentina to Serbia.
