Recommended Juices And Teas For Kidney Stones

Recommended Juices And Teas For Kidney Stones
Recommended Juices And Teas For Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are one of the most common kidney diseases. They are formed during the crystallization of various salts - calcium, urate, phosphate or mixed, which are excreted in the urine as a result of metabolic processes in the body. When left untreated, they can seriously damage the kidneys or their function.

When the stones are deposited in the kidney cavities, they do not give any symptoms, but when they get into the ureter, they can clog it and cause a kidney crisis, which is one of the strongest pains in the body.

In addition to drug treatment, we can prevent or alleviate kidney crises with natural remedies.

Lemon juice

Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones
Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones

The most famous remedy for dissolving kidney stones is perhaps lemon juice. Freshly squeezed lemon juice dissolved in water relieves renal colic.

Lemon and vinegar

Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones
Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones

Photo: Albena Assenova

To clean the urinary tract, it is recommended to drink lemon juice and apple cider vinegar. Mix a teaspoon of warm water, juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. It is recommended to drink this mixture before meals for at least three weeks.

Gulia juice

Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones
Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones

Good results for dissolving kidney stones there is freshly squeezed juice of ground apple or goulash. It is recommended to drink one cup of coffee three times a day for five days.

Parsley roots and lemon

Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones
Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones

Another successful remedy is a decoction of parsley roots and lemon juice. The roots are boiled for ten minutes, then the decoction is filtered and mixed with the same amount of lemon juice. Drink one hundred milliliters once a day.

Celery seed tea

Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones
Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones

Drinking tea not only soothes pain, but also has anti-inflammatory effects. In this sense, it is recommended to drink celery seed tea. One teaspoon of celery seeds is enough to make one cup of tea.

Corn hair tea

Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones
Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones

Photo: Zoritsa

Corn hair tea as the hair of three cobs of corn is boiled boiled for ten minutes in two hundred milliliters of water.

Cherry stalk tea

Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones
Recommended juices and teas for kidney stones

Cherry stalk tea has a diuretic effect and helps to get rid of stones faster. For the preparation of two hundred milliliters of tea is enough one tablespoon of finely chopped dried stalks.
