And There Are Subtleties In Baking

And There Are Subtleties In Baking
And There Are Subtleties In Baking

If you bake the best product in the best and most modern oven, you can ruin it if you do not follow special rules in its preparation.

There are subtleties in each group of products. For example, apples, quinces and pears can be baked without preparation - you only need to wash, remove the core and fill the place with sugar or jam. Bake for no more than 10 minutes at the top of the oven. If the bark cracks, they are ready.

Vegetables require more attention. They should be washed well and only perfectly healthy ones should be used for baking. It is best to bake them directly on the grill of the stove, as their crust does not peel.

The vegetables are tender, baked in the middle of the oven. The taste of roasted vegetables is much richer than that of cooked. They are a perfect addition to a salad of fresh vegetables.

The fish is baked whole - with head and tail. River fish is baked with the scales. This condition is met so that the fish can be "sealed" hermetically while in the oven. Before putting it in the oven, rub it with salt.


Flat fish should not be turned, they are ready in about 25 minutes. The fatter types are turned so that they are baked for 20 minutes on each side. After removing it from the oven, let it cool for fifteen minutes and remove the skin.

But if you are a lover and the skin is good, because it contains a lot of omega 3 fatty acids, which are good for the heart.

The lard is roasted after the piece is pierced with a thin knife and pieces of bacon are placed in the holes. The meat is placed in a pan and every 10 minutes it is watered with the juice that flows from the holes.

The meat, which is hermetically sealed, becomes very tasty. That's why French and German chefs wrap the meat in dough. They glue it tightly and so bake it. In this case, the meat is salted, and when baked without a dough "garment", it is salted only after it is ready.

Salt accelerates the flow of juice from the meat. Another option for sealing is the foil.
