It Is More Important When, Not What You Eat

It Is More Important When, Not What You Eat
It Is More Important When, Not What You Eat

A study found that people who ate on the go or late at night had far more health problems than those who ate at the appointed time. The authors of the analysis of the effects of eating habits are even determined to launch a campaign for national recommendations to inform the population about the dangers of irregular eating.

The study was conducted by a group of scientists from King's College London. They are of the opinion that a very in-depth analysis and public discussion of the problems that come with irregular eating should be done. The most characteristic and at the same time dangerous among them are type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

There seems to be a great truth in the old English saying, "Have breakfast like a king, have lunch like a prince, dine like a beggar," says Dr. Gerda Pod. She is a professor of food science at King's College and co-author of the study.

However, we cannot say anything with certainty before we do further research, she added. Scientists are currently trying to figure out which foods provide the most energy and when exactly they should be consumed.


Evidence clearly shows that consuming more calories late at night is associated with obesity. However, experts want to find the best option for the daily distribution of calories and energy for the body. They still can't decide whether the calories should be evenly distributed during the day, or whether breakfast should be the most plentiful and dinner should be symbolic.

Additional ambiguity in the study is introduced by the discovery of part of the team that there is no clear link between childhood obesity and eating after 20.00.

We were sure that there was a link between eating late and being overweight, but we actually found that this was not the case. The results are not clear. However, children have a faster metabolism and this is also important.

One thing is for sure, though. In the elderly, it is not so important what they eat, but when. A hearty dinner after 8 pm will certainly make them fat and can lead to much bigger health problems, says Pod.
