Diets According To Age

Diets According To Age
Diets According To Age

Over time, the body changes and therefore, if you decide to follow a diet for weight loss, in addition to your lifestyle, it should be tailored to your age. As the years go by, the metabolism slows down and it may be that the diet, which gave excellent results in youth, no longer works. If you are looking for options for a balanced diet, here we will help you with some ideas for different ages.

If you are 20 years old and want to lose weight, then you should limit fats and carbohydrates and rely on foods that contain more protein. Such foods are dairy products, legumes, meat, eggs, fish, nuts. Also focus on fruits and vegetables. Do not starve, because this puts a lot of stress on your body, but do more exercise, hiking and all this together with a balanced diet will lead to a lasting and healthy weight loss.

If you are 30 years old, nutritionists recommend that you focus on foods that contain starch, because they satisfy hunger, but do not lead to weight gain. Such are, for example, potatoes, rice, cereals such as corn, wheat, rye, oats and others. However, to take advantage of their dietary effect, it is good to use only one of these products in one meal. Chew food for a long time, because the processing of starch begins in the mouth. You can combine with suitable vegetables - carrots, cabbage, lettuce, onions, beets, etc.

If you are 40 years old, experts say that the best diet for you is one based on dairy foods. The calcium they contain will help keep your skeletal system healthy, so focus on foods such as cheese, yellow cheese, fresh milk and yogurt, of course, by combining them with other dietary products. In addition to fruits and vegetables, these can be, for example, fish and chicken fillets, rice or oatmeal.
