In Zlatograd They Roast 150 Lambs On The Day Of The Barbecue

In Zlatograd They Roast 150 Lambs On The Day Of The Barbecue
In Zlatograd They Roast 150 Lambs On The Day Of The Barbecue

Today, May 3, Zlatograd celebrates the Day of the Barbecue and only a few days before St. George's Day in the Rhodope town will be eaten 150 lambs. The barbecue festival in our country is held for the second year in a row.

The initiative for it belongs to the mayor of Zlatograd Miroslav Yanchev, whose idea is to attract tourists, showing Bulgarians and Greeks the hospitality of the Rhodopes and the unique lamb they prepare.

Barbecue is a festive dish for the Rhodope people, which is why it is an old tradition to prepare it before St. George's Day.

Preparing a barbecue is a skill - says 82-year-old Zdravko Bayrev from the village of Startsevo, who has 60 years of experience in spinning a barbecue. According to him, well-cooked lamb is known for easy bone separation.

Old experts from the city say that in order for the meat to become tender, juicy and tasty, it takes between 5 and 6 hours of rotation. It is best for the lamb to be between 16 and 18 kilograms, and the wood from which the fire is made to be oak. The meat should be drizzled with fat until it gets an appetizing crust.

Day not barbecue
Day not barbecue

For the traditional barbecue, the lamb is strung on a large wooden skewer - about 3 meters, and two wooden supports are placed by the fire. The skewer is rotated slowly, by hand, until the flame, located about 30-60 centimeters from the meat, roasts it evenly.

The hosts of the holiday say that the unique taste of the Zlatograd barbecue is due to the rare fresh lamb.

For connoisseurs of environmentally friendly Rhodope products, masters from the city will demonstrate authentic butter beating, preparation of bulgur, hand grinding of beans and corn, which do not contain preservatives and other additives.

Emphasis will also be placed on the Rhodope cuisine, and in addition to barbecue, it will be possible to eat the typical dishes of the region.

In Zlatograd, they plan to make Barbecue Day a traditional one, increasing the number of barbecues every year. Last year, when the holiday was celebrated for the first time in our country, there were 60 barbecues, and next year the organizers plan to order 200 lambs.
