Detox Smoothies To Clear The Body Of Toxins

Detox Smoothies To Clear The Body Of Toxins
Detox Smoothies To Clear The Body Of Toxins

Speaking of detox, we almost automatically decide that we will advertise a new detox food supplement or the most modern cosmetic procedure for cleansing the body, which you can do in a beauty salon.

Yes, without such products and procedures it would be difficult to preserve the beauty and you would get rid of the accumulated toxins from your body, especially if you are elderly. But as wise people have said, beauty comes from within. And not just targeting the beauty of the soul.

Of great importance for our attractiveness is what we eat every day (including not included nutritional detox supplements), because different foods not only provide us with different vitamins, minerals, etc., but also contain countless antioxidants.

Here we will offer you ideas for detox smoothies cleansing the body of toxins, as we guarantee their effect, and it is up to you to ensure that the products from which you prepare them are seasonal and environmentally friendly.

Fruit smoothies

The classics fruit detox smoothies consist of one main fruit for imparting sweetness and several additional ones, which are recognized for their antioxidant properties. You choose the main fruit to your taste, and the antioxidants include blueberries, goji berries (usually pre-soaked), raspberries, blackberries and other berries.

Green smoothies

detox smoothie to cleanse the body
detox smoothie to cleanse the body

The green smoothies are probably the champions of all detox embarrassmentbecause they not only cleanse the body of toxins, but also reduce your appetite for harmful sweets. We add the fact that they are rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, chlorophyll and easily digestible proteins. They are right on top, as they say! For the preparation of green smoothies you can use dock, spinach, dill, parsley, iceberg lettuce, lettuce, kale and more.

Fruit and vegetable smoothies

You can add fruit of your choice to green or vegetable smoothies, but for easier digestion it is good to use only one type of fruit, the purpose of which, in addition to sweetening your favorite smoothie naturally, will also help cleanse the body of toxins.

The most commonly used fruits that you can combine with vegetable and green smoothies are banana, pineapple, apple, orange, lemons and limes, grapefruit, berries and more.

See more useful detox recipes, as well as check the benefits of drinking a parsley smoothie every day.
