With A Wine Diet You Lose A Kilo A Day

With A Wine Diet You Lose A Kilo A Day
With A Wine Diet You Lose A Kilo A Day

All diets require complete abstinence from alcohol and any alcoholic beverages. This is necessary because alcohol is high in calories and this increases the calories consumed during the day.

In addition, the body during the diet is not in perfect condition and this is further exacerbated by alcohol. Alcohol reduces a person's volitional control and he refuses to follow the diet.

These requirements are absurd with regard to diets that last more than two or three weeks, as there are always some holidays on which a person drinks at least one glass of wine.

A nice exception to the diet is the wine diet, which is effective and does not exclude the consumption of alcohol, and vice versa - wine is a major active ingredient in this diet.

With a wine diet you lose a kilo a day
With a wine diet you lose a kilo a day

The wine diet is short - you lose five pounds in five days. During these five days, sugar is banned, as is salt. This helps to expel excess fluid from the body.

Only wine and water are consumed from the drinks, tea, coffee and juices are absolutely forbidden. During the five days of the wine diet the menu is the same.

Breakfast is one tomato and one boiled egg. There is a second breakfast of a green apple, but you can skip it. Lunch is two hundred grams of cottage cheese and a cucumber.

Dinner is two hundred milliliters of dry red wine. You can replace the cottage cheese for lunch with low-fat cheese. You can add a small piece of cheese to a wine dinner if you can't live without food.

Consumption of red wine in the specified amount has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system and heart. The wine diet can be repeated two months after you have managed to lose weight with its help.
