The Longevity Of The Japanese

The Longevity Of The Japanese
The Longevity Of The Japanese

In the country of the Rising Sun there is the least obesity (about 3%) and the most centenarians. Because of their lifestyle and the food they eat, they live in Japan much more than the average European.

The Japanese island of Okinawa is home to the most centenarians. Apart from the fact that there are many elderly people (over 107 years old), they are in good health and in very good shape for their age.

All this is due to the raw materials they eat. The Japanese rely heavily on fish and rice. Asian cuisine is characterized by vegetables, as well as various seafood and last but not least tea.

There are some tips that seniors give and that they follow:

1. You should not overeat. As the Bulgarian proverb says - "Get up from the table when it's sweetest." Moderate nutrition, ie in normal and moderate amounts, is extremely important for long life.

2. I have to move. Movement is life - the Japanese walk a lot and play sports in their free time. We've all heard of Japanese martial arts. Karate was created in Okinawa.

3. Fish and seafood - one of the main foods in Japan. Fish is preferred to meat and is present at their table every day.

4. Vegetables - they determine 70% of the Japanese table, the remaining 30% are fish, rice, soy and tea.

5. Quiet life - this is probably the hardest part to achieve. The Japanese indulge in relaxation and frequent walks. They do not allow stress to absorb them completely.

Japanese longevity has been studied for years. At our latitudes, such a lifestyle may not work well, especially differences in the kitchen.

We are used to eating meat and excluding it completely from our menu would be a drastic change, which is not recommended.

If you want to eat healthy, like the Japanese, it is better to consult a doctor before starting this type of diet.
