Garlic And Pickles Protect Against Colds

Garlic And Pickles Protect Against Colds
Garlic And Pickles Protect Against Colds

Autumn is traditionally considered the season of colds, but in your hands is the power to prevent this from happening to you, say Russian nutritionists. Emphasize certain products and cough and runny nose will pass you by.

A recognized champion among plants in terms of vitamin C content is rose hips. Vitamin C in it is much more than in lemons and oranges. Drink rosehip tea regularly and the common cold will be just a bad memory from the past.

Garlic has been known for its beneficial properties since the Middle Ages. The most valuable substance in garlic is allicin, which is the culprit for its specific smell.

Allicin alone is not helpful, but if you start chewing, cutting or squeezing garlic, allicin becomes allicin, which is a natural antibiotic. It copes with inflammation and inhibits the growth of bacteria.

In addition, allicin lowers harmful cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, garlic lovers not only do not suffer from colds, but for them atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease are something completely unknown.

Turnips also protect the body from disease. It is enough to grate a salad of medium radish and this satisfies your daily need for vitamin C, in addition, it removes excess harmful cholesterol. Turnips strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve digestion.


Grapes also contain many vitamins, especially vitamin C and P. If you are prone to bronchitis, grapes should become your favorite fruit. It acts on the respiratory tract, relieving the irritating cough.

Pickles and sauerkraut are very useful in the cold season. The bacteria that are released during the fermentation of cabbage and pickles are your strong helper in the fight against diseases of the throat and lungs.

Fish contains a lot of vitamin D, which is not enough, especially in the cold months. People with low levels of this vitamin most often get sick in the fall and winter. Regardless of the type of fish, it will help your body withstand the common cold, but if you can, emphasize salmon and trout.

In the cold months, vegetarians feel the worst, as they are attacked by constant colds and bouts of bad mood. The reason is the lack of animal proteins, which contain essential amino acids. They are necessary for the proper functioning of the immune system.

Cold weather is an ideal reason to indulge in bacon. Many people are convinced that this is one of the most harmful foods, but lard contains the beneficial arachidonic acid, which strengthens the immune system when exposed to viruses and bacteria.
