How Did The Cabbage Roll?

How Did The Cabbage Roll?
How Did The Cabbage Roll?

Autumn in Bulgaria is the season of preparing winter food and canned products for the winter. Everywhere on the streets smells of roasted peppers, cabbage and various greens. The classic in winter for the Bulgarian is sauerkraut. The markets in our country are beginning to overflow with sellers of cabbage and carrots, necessary for the traditional recipe for winter appetizer - sour cabbage.

But how to make sauerkraut? How did the cabbage roll?

First, to make sauerkraut, you need a fairly large amount of cabbage. For a good sauerkraut, buy cabbage that contains a high percentage of sugar. Such are the varieties such as Kyose, Likorishko Byalo, Dabensko, Marinopolsko and others. In addition to cabbage, you also need a container in which to put it. A large can is usually used.

Choose cabbages with the same size - neither too big nor too small. It is best to be about a kilogram. It's nice to clean them from the cobs in the middle, but you may not do it. The cabbages are arranged tightly, pressed on top with a thick wooden lattice or with a stone. To enhance fermentation, it is good to put a few cobs of corn.

Pour cold water over the cabbage, dissolving 400 g of sea salt every 10 liters. The brine should cover the cabbage by at least 10 cm. On the fifth day after pouring the brine the cabbage is overflowing. Then the transfer takes place every other day for two weeks.

If the brine decreases during this time, add a new one, which contains 200 g of salt per 10 liters of water. Fermentation begins a few days after flooding and lasts 2-3 weeks.

Sour cabbage
Sour cabbage

Photo: Sevdalina Irikova

When the cabbage rises well and does not overflow, sprinkle a few handfuls of barley on the surface of the brine, which germinates after a few days - a bio-lid is obtained. This protects it from weathering. When removing the cabbage, the bio-lid is carefully lifted and then put back in its original position. The top of the tub or can is covered with the normal lid.

Another way to cross (stop the fermentation) is to put 3 g of potassium sorbate per 2 kg of cabbage, pre-dissolving the sorbate in 100 ml of drinking water.

Rumor has it that for the man pouring the cabbage is sweeter than the honeymoon. He pours it every night, he can do it for a week every day, every other day or twice a week, and there are individuals who bet their honest word that sauerkraut is made without pouring.
