Emphasize Carbohydrates For Liver And Heart Problems

Emphasize Carbohydrates For Liver And Heart Problems
Emphasize Carbohydrates For Liver And Heart Problems

Carbohydrates are very useful in a rational healing diet. This is due to their unique health properties.

First of all, carbohydrates are oxidized very easily and release energy quickly. They preserve fat and protein reserves for building purposes.

Among the most valuable benefits of carbohydrates are that they help treat liver, heart and kidney disease. The useful substances can be easily obtained due to their wide distribution in nature.

In case of problems with some of the listed organs, experts advise to emphasize the consumption of fresh or dried fruits and vegetables, baked potatoes, bread, white and brown rice, pasta, noodles, oatmeal, corn, jam, honey.

However, in large quantities, the sugars contained in carbohydrates can also have a negative effect on the body. The intake of up to 550 g of carbohydrates per day under normal conditions is appropriate.

However, their greater amount can cause the following conditions: 1) allergic, skin or other diseases or worsening of the already existing state of hypersensitivity of the body; 2) a sharp increase or decrease in the concentration of sugar in the blood.


The most beneficial for health are carbohydrates taken in their natural form. Regular consumption of fruits and vegetables is most recommended. Their breakdown by the digestive system and their absorption occurs gradually and over a long period of time, thus keeping the blood sugar concentration constant and not subject to sharp fluctuations.

During heavy physical activity, the body's need for carbohydrates is high: normally, about 400-500 g are needed in 24 hours. For easier burning of carbohydrates, it is good to eat foods containing vitamin B1.

If it is not imported with food, acids accumulate in the body, which has a toxic effect on the nervous system.

To avoid such conditions, focus on foods high in vitamin B1, namely asparagus, lettuce, mushrooms, spinach, sunflower seeds, tuna, green peas, tomatoes, eggplant and Brussels sprouts.
