What Is The Place Of Meat In Our Diet?

What Is The Place Of Meat In Our Diet?
What Is The Place Of Meat In Our Diet?

The main source of protein and a favorable combination of a set of essential and non-essential amino acids is meat for everyone.

Meat is an indispensable part of the menu of most people, with it we get vitamins and many valuable minerals. The main factors that determine the extent to which a meat can be useful to us are the type and age of the animal it comes from, the type of its food, and whether it has eaten enough.

Meat is muscle tissue that contains about 70 - 80% water, 4 - 30% fat, 10 - 20% protein, 1.6% non-protein nitrogenous ingredients and up to 1% carbohydrates and their derivatives, it also contains extremely important elements for humans such as iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, vitamins, etc.

Essential amino acids are extremely important for the human body, but it cannot produce them. Fortunately, meat contains all these amino acids and one can easily get them by consuming pure meat products.

Animal meat is also characterized by its high content of arginine, lysine and tryptophan - amino acids responsible for the growth and development of the body. Therefore, the consumption of meat from an early age is extremely important.

The fats in meat have mainly saturated fatty acids, they increase with the age of the animal and pose a risk of plaque buildup in the blood vessels. Therefore, it is important to limit their consumption to levels that the human body can absorb.

Meat does not contain carbohydrates, minimal doses of glycogen are found only in the liver.


B vitamins and especially B12 and folic acid are extremely important for human life and health and their deficiency leads to serious diseases. They are high in meat and it is from it that the human body can most easily absorb them.

Moderate consumption of meat during pregnancy is extremely important for the development of the fetus precisely because of folic acid and B12, because the lack of these two vitamins can lead to malformations in the baby.

Iron deficiency anemia is also a condition that can be significantly improved by eating red meat.

White meats are easier to digest, contain less fat and are extremely suitable from a dietary point of view. Also, in beef and meat from adult animals, the broth that is formed during cooking can adversely affect people with gastritis and gastric ulcer, while in white meat this problem is extremely rare.

In some diseases of the kidneys and heart, it is advisable to avoid eating red meat because it is difficult to digest and contains higher amounts of cholesterol.

Meat is extremely important for the growth and development of the human body - check its origin and consume it in moderation, consistent with your health, to get the most out of it.
