Lemon For Healthy Nerves

Lemon For Healthy Nerves
Lemon For Healthy Nerves

All diseases come from nerves. The tired and exhausted person is not able to work effectively, he cannot fully enjoy his rest.

The shaken nervous system causes neurosis, insomnia, migraines, general fatigue, irritability and constant headaches. All this can be mastered with the help of lemon.

Lemon contains special substances that have a calming effect. Migraines, for example, can be attacked with lemon.

This neurological disease, which is accompanied by severe headache and irritability, manifests itself in painful attacks that can last up to several days.

To relieve the onset of severe headache, wrap a hot towel around your head and place a slice of lemon on your forehead and temples under the towel.

To prevent the next attack, drink half a glass of lemon juice mixed with tea from two tablespoons of mint and lemon balm, poured with a teaspoon of water.


Lemon juice is added to the cooled tea. Drink three tablespoons three times daily with meals. For migraines, a drink of half a glass of lemon juice mixed with half a glass of apple juice is useful.

You can sweeten this drink with two teaspoons of honey. The drink is drunk twice a day in a glass half an hour after a meal.

Neurosis, which is a functional disorder of the nervous system, is manifested by frequent mood swings, unexplained anxiety and fear, irritability, sadness, headaches and muscle spasms.

In a glass of water add the juice of a quarter of a lemon and a tablespoon of sugar, add an ice cube. Drink two glasses of this drink when you are nervous.

Insomnia, which is a symptom of many nervous disorders, can be defeated with a drink of the juice of one lemon mixed with two teaspoons of honey.
