What Are The Useful Foods For Gout?

What Are The Useful Foods For Gout?
What Are The Useful Foods For Gout?

Proper nutrition in gout is one of the most important conditions for improving the general condition of the body. As is well known, it is impossible to completely eliminate gout, but proper nutrition can improve the condition of the person who suffers from it.

Taking only the foods allowed in gout and avoiding the forbidden ones will help to normalize the metabolism of purines and reduce the formation of uric acid and its salts in the body.

It is very important to eat properly if you have gout. It is recommended to take food in four or five portions during the day. Both starvation and overeating are absolutely unacceptable if a person suffers from gout, as this can provoke an attack or worsening.

Gout sufferers must first and foremost struggle with excess weight, but abrupt weight loss is also highly undesirable and even dangerous. In gout, you should drink about 2 liters of fluid a day, and in periods of deterioration - up to 3 liters a day. These can be compotes, fresh juices, teas and mineral water. It is recommended to drink between meals.

In gout, it is good to eat mainly vegetables and fruits, as well as various other types of plant foods. Meat should be limited, as well as meat and mushroom broths, meat from young animals, meat offal, smoked meats, fatty sauces and animal fats.

Vegetable soups, milk-based soups with chicken, yogurt, various types of fruit compotes are useful in gout. Of the meats, in addition to chicken, dietary types are useful - turkey and rabbit meat. Boiled fish is also useful in gout, and fried is absolutely forbidden, as well as smoked and salted.


Seafood lovers can safely eat their favorite delicacies - in gout it is useful to eat squid and shrimp. However, canned fish and canned seafood are prohibited in this disease.

Low-fat cottage cheese is useful for gout, as well as some types of cheese, without being too salty and spicy. Pasta and oatmeal are also recommended if a person suffers from gout. The gout patient should give up legumes, as well as spicy spices, alcohol and beer, black tea, coffee and cocoa.

Carrots, cabbage, potatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, zucchini are useful for gout. Cauliflower, asparagus, spinach, celery and peppers should be consumed in smaller quantities.

Jam lovers should give up chocolate, but can eat jelly candies, jam and jams. Figs are not recommended for gout, but apples, pears, apricots, oranges and all kinds of seeds and nuts are useful in this condition.

Green tea is good for gout, as well as rosehip tea, cucumber juice and chicory coffee. Different types of vegetable oils can be consumed, and olive oil is very useful in gout and should not be neglected.
