Five Of The Most Useful Foods For Our Children

Five Of The Most Useful Foods For Our Children
Five Of The Most Useful Foods For Our Children

In this unique ranking we will introduce you to five of the most useful foods that must be present in the menu of every child.

First on our list is the avocado. It contains vitamin E, oleic acid, folic acid, lutein, monounsaturated fats and glutathione, which protect the body from cancer, brain, eye diseases and cardiovascular disease. Unsaturated fats in it lower cholesterol levels. Compared to other fruits, the aukado has the highest content of proteins, which are important for the growth of the kids.

In second place is the lemon. Due to its taste, it is not very popular with children, but it is rich in vitamin C and is the best antioxidant. It protects the body from diseases and is effective in fighting flu and viral infections. It does not contain fats and carbohydrates, calories are very low.

Sweet potatoes are a source of potassium, vitamin C, fiber and beta-carotene. They are an antioxidant that helps prevent many mild and severe diseases.

Five of the most useful foods for our children
Five of the most useful foods for our children

Of course, their use should not be overdone, because according to a study conducted in the United States, the use of potatoes more than three times a week increases the risk of high blood pressure. It in turn can lead to cardiovascular problems.

Last in our ranking, but not in importance, are fish and carrots.

Fish is a source of protein and fat, important for the development of the eyes, brain and to strengthen the immune system of children from an early age.

Carrots, like sweet potatoes, contain beta-carotene - an antioxidant that helps fight many diseases, including cancer, and also helps vision and affects the growth of children. It is beta-carotene that is responsible for the orange color of carrots.
