How To Prevent The Big Christmas Overeating

How To Prevent The Big Christmas Overeating
How To Prevent The Big Christmas Overeating

Christmas is approaching and with it evaporates all restraints that are associated with food restriction. When these holidays come, people start eating a huge amount of food, as if they have not eaten before.

Probably the reasons are that there are great delicacies on the table and the hostess has tried to do something interesting and different for the holiday, as well as the fact that we gather with our families. This undoubtedly predisposes us to emphasize food around Christmas.

At the same time, the soothing leitmotif - "I'm on a diet after January 1" or "Once upon a time it's Christmas, so what" is constantly running through our heads. If you also find it difficult to prevent overeating, here are some tips that can help you avoid overeating:

Perhaps the most important thing is not to starve - no matter what situation you are in, at home or away. To avoid unpleasant situations and get hungry when you go to a party or guests, eat something in advance at home. If you leave your stomach empty for too long, you will probably eat more than you need when you sit at the table.

Don't let the hostess overfill your plate - if you're at home it's easy, but when you're away things are more complicated. In case the hostess does not comply with your wishes, do not feel obliged to eat everything that has been served to you.

Eating at Christmas
Eating at Christmas

You also don't have to try everything on the table - it's best to eat the food you prefer and love the most. This will avoid unnecessary trampling.

Do not listen to the constant prompting of the host to eat - this habit of being told "Come on, you don't eat anything" or "Eat, eat, it's holidays" should not bother you at all.

Avoid huge amounts of alcohol on holidays - food is just one side of things. At Christmas, always pour a lot of wine and brandy, and if you want to avoid excess weight on holidays, it is best to avoid alcohol. Remember that alcohol provokes appetite. It is good to limit carbonated sweet drinks.

Don't eat anything just because if no one eats it, it will be thrown away. In case you are a host and have not been able to calculate the portions, you can put some foods in boxes and put them in the freezer. This way you will have a ready meal in the days after the holidays, when you do not have time to cook.

Don't stay at the table all the time - it is obvious that these holidays in our country are connected almost only with eating and drinking. Try to find another activity - go for a walk or play with children and their new toys.
