We Eat Healthily With A New Kind Of Miracle Glasses

We Eat Healthily With A New Kind Of Miracle Glasses
We Eat Healthily With A New Kind Of Miracle Glasses

Another innovative and even revolutionary technology comes directly from Japan and promises millions of people who want to lose weight and lose weight, successful results.

A special kind of glasses, which are a unique development of Japanese scientists, give their honest word that they will make us eat less and will be our faithful companion when we follow a diet.

Anti-shish tea can cause a revolution in diets, claims the British newspaper "Daily Mail". The principle on which they work is actually elementary and is a distortion of the actual dimensions of the plate.

One of the devices increases the volume of the products by 50%, but without changing the size of the plate and hands. This effectively creates the optical illusion in people that they have eaten more food than they actually ate.

There have even been experiments with volunteers who sat for a while to eat with the new miracle glasses. Finally, the data showed that because of "diopter scammers", they consumed an average of 9.3% less food.

We eat healthily with a new kind of miracle glasses
We eat healthily with a new kind of miracle glasses

There is even another option - a device in the glasses, which lies not only vision but also the sense of smell. It recreates the smell of various products, while their image appears on a screen mounted in the glasses.

In other words - wearing magic glasses, we can see and smell the steak with french fries, and at the same time eat roasted soy meatballs without salt.

A third variant of the innovative concept for the glasses are zeiss with blue lenses. Blue lenses decorate any food on our plate or our hands in blue.

If you are wondering why exactly blue, know that the color of the sky is deliberately chosen. It has been scientifically established that it suppresses appetite by depersonalizing food and making it unattractive in appearance.
