Experts: Bottled Milk Is Not Fit For Consumption

Experts: Bottled Milk Is Not Fit For Consumption
Experts: Bottled Milk Is Not Fit For Consumption

Milk that is sold in unregulated outlets as a car trunk, for example, is unfit for consumption due to the high levels of dangerous microorganisms in it.

This was proved after an experiment on Nova TV. It turns out that the milk we buy from unregulated sites exceeds the norm for permissible microorganisms by up to 60 times.

The reason for this lies in the improper storage of the dairy product. Milk should be stored at temperatures between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius, which are quite far from the temperatures in the trunk of a car, especially in August.

The inspection shows that it is not difficult to find fresh milk sold outside the stores. Its low price and advertising as homemade and real milk attracts most customers.

Milk is sold in bottles of iced tea and soft drinks, for which it is not known exactly how much they are sterilized before the liquid is poured into them.

Expert examination of two such milks shows that the norm of microorganisms in them is exceeded by 40 to 60 times because they are stored at an inappropriate temperature.


In just one hour, the dangerous microorganisms in a milk double if the storage temperature exceeds 6 degrees Celsius.

In the laboratory, in addition to the number of microorganisms, somatic cells were also examined, which shows the health status of the animals from which the milk was obtained.

Somatic cells are twice above normal, which shows that milk is definitely not fit for consumption, as it will adversely affect the human body. However, what will be the consequences depends on the individual immunity of each person.

However, traders who sell these milks do not see a problem in storing milk in the trunk of a car, explaining that they leave dairy products for about an hour in high temperatures and during this time they can not spoil.

Some customers tell them they don't mind buying from their products despite the frightening results.

However, the Food Safety Agency advises us to buy milk only from suitable sites such as shops and milking parlors, where the milk is from selected and controlled farms.
