Bad Eating Habits That You Need To Stop Now

Bad Eating Habits That You Need To Stop Now
Bad Eating Habits That You Need To Stop Now

Nutritionists share the bad eating habits that you should avoid, and they vary widely - starting with the mistakes of cooking meat, throwing away food and defrosting food on the counter.

You probably have a number of daily eating routines, such as what foods, how and when you eat different foods. These eating habits can make you think you have control over your health… but if your options often rely on cooking fried vegetables, do you think it's good? Not exactly. Nutritionists say there are some eating habits that can actually affect gut health, and not in the best way.

Registered nutritionists share some of the common ones bad cooking and eating habitswhich you should avoid if you want to be healthy.

Mistakes in cooking meat

Cooking mistakes and bad eating habits
Cooking mistakes and bad eating habits

Grilling or grilling meat until it's overcooked can do more harm than good, so this habit is something Lisa Richards, a nutritionist and creator of, wants people to stop. Grilling meat can form carcinogenic compounds that increase oxidative stress and inflammation and may even increase the risk of certain cancers, Richards said.

The most common culprit is grilling at high temperatures. These high temperatures, which char the meat, are acceptable in small quantities. For most of the cooking, Richards recommends stewing, roasting or slow cooking meat as a healthier alternative because charring of meat is one of the 11 cooking mistakes that can make your food toxic.

Cooking with too much or too little fat

Too much oil or healthy fats add calories without extra nutrients, but too little means you are missing out on some health benefits. That's why Chris Solid, senior director of nutrition communications at the International Food Information Foundation, says we need to be careful with fats.

A little fat is good for the taste, but more is not good for your health, he says. - Cooking fats such as olive oil, rapeseed oil, etc. are great sources of healthy fats, but are also high in calories.

Do not go to the other extreme and do not avoid all oils. In fact, fats are an essential nutrient that helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins. The goal should be to cook with a healthy fat balance.

Cook everything with the same fat

Balancing the use of fats and oils is the fat cooking habit that nutritionists want to you know how to do it right. It is also important to be careful about what types of fats you use, especially when cooking at higher temperatures.

So many people use olive oil for cooking, but it has a lower smoking point - it will probably start smoking if it exceeds 160 ° C. When oils smoke, they break down and lose their flavor plus some of their nutritional value.

Choose avocado oil or saffron oil for cooking at higher temperatures to prevent burns, experts recommend.

Disposal of food due to packaging dates

Another harmful eating habitwhich it is good for people not to have - wasting food. Therefore, he recommends do not throw away food due to "edible to„ ". Instead, focus on "use before" dates that tell you how long a food should be eaten.

Always cook the same foods

Do you feel guilty about eating the same foods over and over again? If so, try diversifying with some new foods or cooking strategies. You won't know if you like something unless you try.

People often say that they do not like a food before they even try it or prepare it in different ways. Do you hate raw carrots? Try baking them with olive oil and fresh herbs. Experience with new foods or cooking techniques will not only open the horizons of your taste buds, but will also add a greater variety of nutrients to your diet.

Errors in eating eggs
Errors in eating eggs

You only use egg whites

If you always choose egg white instead of whole eggs, you are missing some nutrients. People need to cook more with egg yolks. So many people eat only protein to save calories, but the yolk is the center with all the nutrients. So, although egg whites are a great source of protein, they are not necessarily more useful than whole eggs. In addition, eating egg yolk can even help you get full longer.

Prepare everything gluten free

People with celiac disease or gluten allergy, sensitivity or intolerance should limit or eliminate gluten. However, if you are not part of this group, remember that there is no evidence that a gluten-free lifestyle will make you healthier or help you lose weight, according to Malina Malkani, RDN, New York.

Although a gluten-free diet can be absolutely healthy and wholesome, eliminating gluten makes it unnecessarily difficult to get enough fiber, vitamins and minerals that the body needs to thrive, as many of these micronutrients are found in gluten-containing cereals., says Malkani, a media spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

So don't assume that a gluten-free recipe or food is automatically healthier than those that contain gluten.

Add salt before trying

Mistakes in salting food
Mistakes in salting food

Leave the salt and take your spoon. People should try their food before blindly adding more salt. While salt adds great flavor, some dishes don't need extra, he says. - Keep sodium intake under control by following the advice of expert chefs: salt to taste.

Avoid fruits because of sugar

Don't get into the habit of avoiding fruit because it contains too much sugar, says Malkani. Unlike refined and processed sugars, fruits contain fiber, which helps slow the absorption of fructose, the main type of sugar found in fruits, in the blood, explains Malkani.

Fiber also contributes to the good bacteria in the gut, which in turn contributes to better gut health and helps us feel fuller for longer. And we eat fewer calories and manage our weight better, says Malkani.

The nutritional benefits of fruits outweigh the disadvantages, so do not avoid them unless your doctor tells you otherwise.

Thawing frozen food on the hob

All nutritionists strongly recommend that people stop thawing their frozen foods on the counter at room temperature. This creates an ideal environment for bacterial growth that can cause foodborne illness, Malkani said. It is safer to defrost frozen food in the microwave or refrigerator overnight. Using lukewarm running water to defrost frozen foods is also not an option.
