What To Cook In A Crisis

What To Cook In A Crisis
What To Cook In A Crisis

You do not need to invest a lot in products to prepare delicious meals and desserts. With a little money and imagination you can cook delicious and even healthy.

Rustic mushrooms are very tasty and easy to prepare, have a sophisticated look and taste, and do not require much money to buy the products. You need 300 grams of boiled and peeled potatoes, 300 grams of mushrooms, 100 milliliters of liquid cream, a handful of chopped green onions, 30 grams of butter, salt and pepper to taste.

Peeled and sliced mushrooms are fried in fat. When the liquid evaporates, add the cream and stew. Cut the potatoes into 1 cm thick circles and lightly fry.

Then arrange in a pan and pour the mixture of mushrooms with cream. Sprinkle with chopped green onions on top and bake in a preheated oven for about 5 minutes.

From everything you have left in the fridge you can prepare a delicious dinner. If you have leftover salami, some uneaten meat or something else meat, you can make appetizing meatballs.

You will need 1 or 2 more eggs depending on the amount of meat, 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of flour, grated cheese and spices to taste.

Cut the meat into small pieces and add first the eggs and then the other ingredients. Mix well and scoop out the mixture with a spoon and fry in hot oil. If desired, you can add a garnish when serving.

Baked apples
Baked apples

Baked apples are a very tasty, cheap and useful dessert. You need aluminum foil and 1 tablespoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of cinnamon for each apple.

Cut the apple into 8 pieces and cut the core. Cut a piece of foil the size of a good apple and arrange apple pieces in the middle so that you can assemble a little more than half an apple.

Pour the well-mixed sugar and cinnamon in the middle, close the apple with the remaining pieces and wrap with foil. Bake for 15-20 minutes in the oven at the highest temperatures.

You can make a quick and tasty dinner by preparing meatballs without using minced meat. You need 2 cups of oatmeal, 2 cubes of broth, 1 onion, a little garlic and 1 egg.

Dissolve the broth in hot water and pour over the oats. Wait for them to swell. Then add finely chopped onions and garlic.

Beat the egg and mix it with the other products. Mix well and form meatballs, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry until golden brown.
