Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders
Eating Disorders

Chocolate, chips, candy - all these temptations make you give up the diet just when you think it already has an effect. There are ways to get rid of the urge to eat delicious but extremely high-calorie foods.

Usually at four o'clock, when the working day is coming to an end, you begin to feel vague anxiety. You are not hungry, but you have a terribly strong desire to eat chocolate. Without realizing it, you reach for your bag, where the pre-purchased chocolate is waiting for you, and you feel the bliss of its taste.

Nutritional predispositions are common in ninety-seven percent of women and sixty-eight percent of men. When a person is hungry, he is ready to eat anything.

Eating disorders are specific, one needs to eat something specific and this is usually something completely unhealthy - chips or candy.

You have probably noticed that your desire for unhealthy delicacies comes at about the same time of day and on the same days of the month.

This is likely to happen in the afternoon when you need to relax and take a nap - it happens between three and six o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the blood sugar level drops and the person feels drowsy. That is why he needs a stimulant for his body.

For women, the days before a cycle are dangerous, because then the female body is in desperate need of something sweet or extremely nutritious and high in calories.

Eating an Apple
Eating an Apple

Then women cram in large amounts of food to raise the level of serotonin in their blood and cope with their bad mood and mild depression, which are manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.

Stress and boredom often make you want to taste your favorite food. Cold weather also has a gloomy effect on the body and makes it brighten up with something tasty and high in calories.

Oddly enough, the memories of pleasant events also arouse the desire to eat harmful foods. To deal with the critical moments when you feel you can't do without jam or pasta, you need to be prepared for them.

In such cases, immediately reach for pre-cooked vegetables or fruits, and it is best to eat a delicious healthy lunch or early dinner.

Strive to diversify your menu, as a monotonous diet leads to food addictions. Often many people do not have breakfast or even lunch, so they pounce on the first piece of cake they see in the window of a pastry shop.

Low-fat cheese and yellow cheese, raw vegetables with a little cottage cheese, crackers made from wholemeal flour, spread with peanut butter can serve as an afternoon snack.

To follow the principle "both the wolf is full and the lamb is whole", buy chips or chocolate, but in very miniature packages. Consume them with healthy products - chips with vegetables, sweet treats - with fruit and yogurt.
