Delicious Aubergines - Cooking Tips And Health Benefits

Delicious Aubergines - Cooking Tips And Health Benefits
Delicious Aubergines - Cooking Tips And Health Benefits

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The lands of East India and China are considered to be the homeland of aubergines. Today, eggplants are distributed around the world, with more than 200 varieties known.

Apart from being a culinary delicacy, the fleshy fruit, which everyone perceives as a vegetable, is also very useful. In terms of its content of nutrients and vitamins, it is not inferior to other autumn vegetables, but unfortunately loses some of its properties during heat treatment.

Its fruits contain sugars, cellulose, fats and tannins. Magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, etc. are also found, which make it a satisfying and useful food. The vitamins with the highest content are C, A, PR, B1, B2, B6 and B9.

Eating eggplant lowers blood cholesterol levels and prevents atherosclerosis. This fruit has the ability to help expel fluids from the body, thus improving the work of the heart. Recommended in the menu of those suffering from gout, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal diseases.

Eggplant is suitable for all types of diets because it is lower in calories (18 Kcal per 100 g of vegetables), on the other hand, stimulates blood circulation, which is useful in anemia. Eggplants are one of the few vegetables that taste better until they are fully ripe. In adulthood, they increase their solanine content, from which comes their bitter taste.

Culinary tips:

- The most juicy and delicious are the aubergines with smooth and shiny skin, which are elastic under light pressure.

- When cooking eggplants do not use too much fat, because their flesh is porous and absorbs the oil.

- Young eggplants can be cooked with the skin, but for older ones it is mandatory to remove it because it is tough and bitter.

- Cut a young eggplant, salt it and roll it in breadcrumbs, leave it in a pan and bake. You will get a delicious appetizer.

- If you want to bake the eggplants whole, it is good to pierce them in several places beforehand so that their skin does not crack.

- Before frying, peel, cut and salt the eggplant. Allow to settle and drain the dark water before cooking.

Suitable combinations - The taste of eggplant is emphasized if they are combined with: tomatoes, hot sauce, milk sauce, basil, garlic, sesame oil.
