Proven! Microwave Ovens Are Killing Us

Proven! Microwave Ovens Are Killing Us
Proven! Microwave Ovens Are Killing Us

The harms and benefits of microwave ovens have long been discussed. A new study has shown how easy it is for them to catch a bunch of deadly diseases.

Diabetes, obesity, cancer, even infertility - these are just some of the things that can lead to heating food in the microwave. Indian scientists, who conducted an interesting study, are fully convinced of this.

In the course of the new study, scientists revealed the shocking truth about the damage to the microwave oven. Normal heating of food in this appliance can cause serious damage to health.

The most dangerous when using the microwave oven is the heating of food in plastic containers. Overheating in them leads to problems with blood pressure, increases the risk of infertility, diabetes, obesity and cancer. The reason is that plastic containers, under the influence of waves emitted by microwave, emit hazardous chemicals.

Fortunately, there is salvation. Give up the use of microwave ovens and heat food in the oven in a pan or saucepan. So it will be useful and tasty again.
