Crock-Pot Cooking Tips

Crock-Pot Cooking Tips
Crock-Pot Cooking Tips

One of the main reasons many people choose the slow cooker Crock-Pot is that they can avoid pre-cooking. For many dishes, especially soups and stews, you can really just prepare all the ingredients and put them inside.

If there will be onions in your dish, it would be good to cook it first, as it tastes different if it is raw. Experiment in both ways to decide which is best for you. The same applies to meat. It is a good idea to bake enough to give it color, but this again depends entirely on you and your taste preferences.

Get ready from the night before

If you do not have enough time in the morning, prepare all the necessary products for Crock-Pot cooking from the night before and store them in the refrigerator. It is best to keep the appliance at room temperature, so take it out of the fridge when you wake up and wait 20 minutes before turning it on.

Save money

Slow cooking appliances are great for cooking smaller cuts of beef, pork, lamb or chicken. You can also use a smaller amount of meat, as slow cooking maximizes the taste of the meat and spreads it throughout the dish. Replace meat with vegetables, thus saving money.

Let your Crock-Pot cook on its own

Slow cookers are designed to cook on their own, which means you don't have to constantly check what's going on with the dish. Each time you open the lid of the appliance, some heat will escape. Keep in mind that if you do it too often, you will prolong the cooking time.

Crock-Pot cooking tips
Crock-Pot cooking tips

When to add food

It is advisable to choose recipes for which most or even all the ingredients can be put at the very beginning when included. In this way you will provide free time for other activities. It's good to know that in most cases, pasta, rice and fresh herbs should be added at the end of cooking.

How long should a Crock-Pot dish be cooked?

If it usually takes you to prepare a dish:

• 15-30 minutes - cook it for 1-2 hours at high temperature or 4-6 hours at low temperature;

• 30 minutes - 1 hour - cook it for 2-3 hours at high temperature or 5-7 hours at low temperature;

• 1-2 hours - cook it for 3-4 hours at high temperature or 6-8 hours at low temperature;

• 2-4 hours - cook it for 4-6 hours at high temperature or 8-12 hours at low temperature.
