Food Pyramid For Children

Food Pyramid For Children
Food Pyramid For Children

The idea of presenting a healthy diet in the form of a pyramid is not new. There are developed pyramids in which the largest bricks are carbohydrates, the smaller ones are proteins, and so on.

Imagine a pyramid consisting of sectors, each of which is a group of nutrients. This is the food pyramid. All groups of nutrients in it are equally important and without any group there can be no proper nutrition.

The only difference is in the ratio. There is more from something and less from something, which does not mean that it is not important. This is the principle of healthy eating.

The child's body must receive all the substances it needs. If we draw horizontal lines from the top of the pyramid for each sector, we will determine the dependence of the amount of nutrients on the need for calories per day.

Food pyramid for children
Food pyramid for children

Some children have a large loss of energy, while others lead a less active life. In some the weight rises sharply, and in others it decreases. It is from this that the quantity is determined, while the ratio between the sectors remains the same.

In the first sector of the food pyramid are cereals - these are wholemeal bread, pasta, oats and other nuts and bran. The need for these products varies between 3 and 5 servings per day.

The second sector is vegetables. They can be fresh, frozen, canned or in the form of juice. They are divided into dark green, orange, bean, starch.

They should be 4 servings a day. Keep in mind that you should eat at least four different vegetables a day - this can be a salad of four types of vegetables.

The third sector is the fruit - fresh, frozen or in the form of juice. The daily norm is from 1 to 5 portions. In the fourth sector are fats - this is the smallest sector. Their total daily norm should not exceed 3 tablespoons.

The fifth sector is for dairy products with a daily norm of 2-3 servings. In the sixth sector are proteins - these are meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs. The daily norm is between 2 and 7 servings.

As each needs are strictly individual, the food pyramid recommends an average amount and a ratio of "from" and "to". To determine the right food for your child, you need to take into account the task at hand - comfort and whether his lifestyle is active or he prefers to spend time in front of the computer.

If he has a passive lifestyle, focus on vegetables and fruits in his diet, without limiting protein.
