Foods With Preservatives And Misery In School Chairs

Foods With Preservatives And Misery In School Chairs
Foods With Preservatives And Misery In School Chairs

The food served in school canteens and kindergartens is full of preservatives, dyes and is prepared in rooms with low levels of hygiene, a BNT report showed.

Most of the products used to cook children's lunch are imported. Not a small part of these products are used inappropriately, so that then a product that is fit for consumption is discarded.

It also turns out that in most cases none of the employees in the educational institutions are interested in the quality of the food served to the students.

During inspections of the Food Safety Agency, 24 prescriptions and 5 acts for violation of the norms were drawn up only in the last few months.

In addition to the low quality of the products, the inspectors from the Agency fined the school canteens for the lack of hygiene in the kitchens where they prepare the food. It was found that the employees work in insufficiently clean conditions and with worn utensils.

The Food Safety Agency claims that the legislation provides for changes to improve the nutrition of students in public institutions.

Imported foods that rely on appearance through dyes and preservatives should be a thing of the past, with more goods of proven quality produced in schools being delivered to schools.

It is planned to issue a ban to stop the supply of food containing preservatives on school territory.

Earlier this year, a law was passed according to which food for children in kindergartens and schools must be produced according to the Bulgarian state standard.

It was also decided that the products were produced in the same area as the school. This will facilitate delivery and stimulate local production, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Experts hope that the changes will reduce the signals they receive about poor quality or spoiled food in schools, and the children's menu will be varied and healthy.
