Don't Give Up Fat! See Why

Don't Give Up Fat! See Why
Don't Give Up Fat! See Why

Fat is a valuable component of human nutrition. Of the nutrients and products we consume, they are the most concentrated food. Each gram of fat when burned gives 9.3 calories.

Fats improve the taste of food, increase its digestibility. Taken in small quantities, they are immediately consumed, but in larger quantities are deposited in the tissues and form reserve depots.

Fats are of animal and vegetable origin. Fats of animal origin are cow's butter, bacon, lard, and of vegetable origin - vegetable oils and margarine.

Animal fats contain fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E, etc., have good taste and are easily absorbed. Vegetable fats do not have the vitamin functions of milk fats, but they are well digestible and well tolerated by the elderly, preventing them from developing atherosclerosis.


They are important for blood clotting and do not contain cholesterol. Enriching vegetable fats with vitamins A and D increases their nutritional value. When cooking, fats help extract vitamins (which dissolve in fat) from plant foods.

The adult should eat about 65-70 g of fat, at least half of which should be of animal origin.

Taken in reasonable norms and appearance, fats are good for the body.
