Ness Coffee Is More Useful

Ness Coffee Is More Useful
Ness Coffee Is More Useful

For many years, the world's most popular invigorating drink, coffee, was considered harmful. Recently, however, there have been studies that prove that in certain cases it is useful - against diabetes, against senile sclerosis.

Another one was added to the list of useful properties of coffee. Coffee contains a large amount of fiber. They are not processed by chemicals and play an important role in digestion by maintaining blood sugar levels.

Every day a person needs 25 g of ballast substances, and their deficiency leads to intestinal problems, experts say.

Spanish scientists have proven that the drink, whether boiled or not, contains cellulose and soluble sugars, which are fiber.

Cup of coffee
Cup of coffee

Scientists have studied coffee through digestive enzymes in an artificial model of the human gut. They found the presence of ballast substances in all three types of coffee: black filtered (brewed for 6-8 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees C), espresso (brewed under pressure at 114-121 C) and instant coffee (instant coffee, poured with hot water).

According to scientists, 100 ml of filtered coffee contains 0.47 substances that are not absorbed, in espresso they are 0.65 mg, and in instant coffee - 0.75 mg, according to the results of scientists published in the new issue of the journal Nature.

In this way, coffee is superior to wine and orange juice in terms of fiber content.
