A Glass Of Wine A Day Enhances The Effect Of Vaccines

A Glass Of Wine A Day Enhances The Effect Of Vaccines
A Glass Of Wine A Day Enhances The Effect Of Vaccines

The news that a glass of wine a day enhances the effect of vaccines and keeps the doctor away probably softens the guilt in many of us who indulge in a glass of this drink every winter evening.

Alcohol supports the immune system and enhances the effect of vaccines. Drinking a cup is guaranteed to improve blood circulation and your cardiovascular system.

These data were confirmed by a recent study. According to its results, alcohol strengthens the immune system and helps the body fight infections faster.


Experts say that establishing this fact will help people better understand the workings of the human immune system. On the other hand, the study simply confirms the long-known claim that alcohol in moderation is associated with lower mortality rates.

To prove the theory, the authors of the study gave 12 rhesus macaques to drink alcohol of their own free will. In animals that consumed more than the others, the routine vaccine had a visibly better effect.

However, this does not limit the benefits of moderate wine intake. It aids digestion. The polyphenols it contains help reduce the harmful effects of certain chemicals in food before they are distributed throughout the rest of your system.


Wine not only helps to suppress appetite, but can also stop the growth of fat cells through a substance called piceatanol. This substance stops the formation of adipose tissue. On the other hand, wine also strengthens bones.

The composition of the wine includes the ingredient resveratrol. It potentially protects against cancer, but can also fight aging. High levels of antioxidant-rich polyphenols prevent the growth of viruses that once enter the body, creating a certain immunity.

Despite the positive assessment of alcohol, scientists warn not to overdo it. The most careful should be the former alcohol addicts and those with alcoholics in the family. The advice is not to improve your immune system by drinking. For everyone else a glass of wine for dinner is always welcome.
