This Juice Is A Real Miracle! It Cures A Whole Bunch Of Diseases

This Juice Is A Real Miracle! It Cures A Whole Bunch Of Diseases
This Juice Is A Real Miracle! It Cures A Whole Bunch Of Diseases

The beneficial properties of potato juice have been known since ancient times. Thanks to him, during the scurvy epidemic that killed thousands of people in Europe, many people found salvation.

Potato juice contains;

- Proteins;

- Fats;

- Fibers;

- Organic acids;

- Starch;

- Pectins;

- Glycoalkaloids;

- Nitrogen compounds;

- Nucleic acids;

- B vitamins;

- Vitamins - C, E, PP;

- Carotene;

- Trace elements, silicon, bromine, zinc, copper, sausage, manganese, boron, iodine, potassium and phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, chlorine and sulfur.

Potato juice contains useful and natural easily digestible sugar. In the process of cooking sugar turns into starch.


Useful properties of potato juice

In folk medicine, potato juice is accepted as a mild laxative, tonic, wound healing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent. As it is rich in potassium and magnesium, vitamin C, it is added to the diet of people with kidney and cardiovascular pathologies.

Potato juice relieves pain, reduces acid production in the stomach and helps heal the lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

With the help of potato juice you can treat constipation, colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer and stomach ulcers.

It is able to help in case of toxin poisoning, inflammation of the appendages of the uterus, headache, hypertension, skin diseases and burns.

If you decide to undergo treatment with potato juice, a few days before and after follow a diet - exclude spicy and salty foods, fish, meat, eat vegetarian food, fruits and raw vegetables. This diet should be maintained throughout the treatment period.

In gastritis with increased acidity, one hour before a meal you should drink fresh juice of ¾ potatoes, then rest for 10 days.

Treatment with potato juice for dyspepsia, gastritis and heartburn

In the morning on an empty stomach drink a glass of fresh juice and go back to bed for half an hour. Breakfast should be made no earlier than 1 hour after intake. Continue treatment for 10 days, then rest for 10 days. This is one cycle of treatment, and the treatment process consists of 3 cycles. You will feel the healing effect in a few days and your health will improve significantly.


Treatment with potato juice of inflammation

Take a glass of fresh juice of fresh pink varieties of potatoes, sweeten with 1 tsp. sugar. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. The treatment process is two weeks, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment after a week.
