Sausages Reduce Male Fertility

Sausages Reduce Male Fertility
Sausages Reduce Male Fertility

Researchers at Harvard University have found that eating sausages, even in small quantities, can change sperm quality and reduce a man's chances of becoming a father.

Studies have shown that daily consumption of products such as sausages, sausages, salami, bacon and other sausages has a negative impact on male fertility.


This finding confirms the thesis that unhealthy lifestyle prevents couples from having heirs.

Experts advise parents-to-be to pay close attention to the food they eat.

Experts recommend to include more fruits and vegetables in the daily menu, as well as to stop smoking and to significantly reduce the amount of alcohol consumed.

According to medics, sausages can be harmful to health because they contain a lot of fat, salt, calories, nitrogenous extracts and spices.

Doctors say that sausages can be eaten only by completely healthy people who are very active.

Due to the high amount of calories, salami is not suitable for people prone to gaining weight and people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Types of sausages
Types of sausages

Nitrogenous extractives contained in sausages excite the nervous system and therefore many diseases are more severe.

This applies to diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Due to the high salt content, salami is not a suitable food for people with cardiovascular and kidney diseases, for pregnant women and for people who suffer from edema with an unspecified diagnosis.

Bone meal, which contains a lot of calcium, is also used in sausage products.

No control body in Bulgaria monitors the amount of bone meal used by sausage producers on the Bulgarian market.

Smoked sausages and sausages are treated with smoke, which is saturated with carcinogenic substances.

According to experts, durable meat sausages age people. They are one of the causes of wrinkles.
