The Mediterranean Diet Increases Fertility

The Mediterranean Diet Increases Fertility
The Mediterranean Diet Increases Fertility

If you have plans to become mothers in the near future, change your diet and switch to Mediterranean foods.

Women who focus on them are more likely to become pregnant after undergoing fertility treatment, according to a new study.

161 couples were examined by Dutch medics. They found that women whose diet was closest to the Mediterranean diet had a 40 percent higher chance of becoming pregnant.

The most important foods in the Mediterranean regime are vegetable oils, vegetables, but mostly beans, peas and others from the legume family, and fish, say scientists from Erasmus University in Rotterdam.

The Mediterranean diet increases fertility
The Mediterranean diet increases fertility

Omega-6 and Vitamin B6 fatty acids are of great importance. They are found in large quantities in the bodies of women who have undergone a Mediterranean diet.

According to previous research, Vitamin B6, prescribed to women who have difficulty conceiving, increases their chances of becoming mothers.

What other foods does the Mediterranean diet include? Daily consumption of pasta, bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables, potatoes, nuts, seeds, milk, cheese, olive oil, spices such as basil and oregano, wine.

Fish, meat (chicken, rarely beef and pork), eggs are consumed between 1 and 3 times a week.

Less often, but not more than a few times a month, pastries and honey are allowed.
