Nutritional Wax - Is It Harmless And Where Is It Added

Nutritional Wax - Is It Harmless And Where Is It Added
Nutritional Wax - Is It Harmless And Where Is It Added

Paraffin wax, classified as the chemical preservative E901, makes fruits, vegetables and candies shiny and slows down moisture loss and spoilage. It is white, odorless or tasteless.

It is not a real wax, it is obtained from distilled oil, which is then purified. It can also be synthesized by converting carbon monoxide and hydrogen into paraffinic hydrocarbons, then hydrogenating and optionally purifying with activated carbon.

Edible paraffin is different from that used for candles. Available in solid blocks and bottled liquid. The addition of paraffin wax to melted chocolate gives it a shiny appearance when it hardens. It also helps the chocolate stay firm at room temperature.

Paraffin appears as an additive in some brands of candy so that it does not melt in the hand, and as a main ingredient in chocolate coatings such as those found on ice cream or chocolate chip cookies.

Paraffin is flammable, so if you use it at home, gently heat it in a double pan or microwave only until it begins to melt.

Paraffin waxSprayed on fruits and vegetables, adds shine to make them more attractive, and helps extend shelf life by retaining moisture. Some fruits, such as apples, produce a natural wax that can be easily washed off with water and removed.

Additional synthetic wax sometimes increases the natural coverage and may be more difficult to remove. Usually a short soaking in vinegar or water with lemon juice makes it easier to wipe off the wax.

In England during World War II, liquid paraffin was used as cooking fat. It is often an ingredient in chewing gum. However, care should be taken with excessive use, because it has a laxative effect.
