Lime Is Highly Valued In Cooking And Medicine

Lime Is Highly Valued In Cooking And Medicine
Lime Is Highly Valued In Cooking And Medicine

Lime is considered one of the best remedies. Citrus fruit is extremely effective in colds, skin diseases, stomach disorders, dysentery, as well as healing wounds and other injuries.

The medical value of lime has been conclusively proven and documented by numerous studies. The green fruit is highly antiseptic. In addition, it helps prevent disease and makes it easier to cleanse the body of toxins.

Lime is a wonderful stimulant for the liver. It is rich in hydrolytic enzymes and creates an acidic environment in the stomach, which is necessary for the digestion of proteins and the absorption of minerals.

Lemon and lemon juice are specific remedies for the treatment of conditions such as asthma, colds, liver complaints, digestive problems.

For culinary purposes, lime and its juice are preferable to apple cider vinegar, as they contain beneficial acids, important vitamins, minerals and enzymes.

Lemonade with Lime
Lemonade with Lime

In cooking, green lemon is valuable both because of the acidity of the juice and because of the aroma of the peel. Used in tacos and lime pie, a traditional dessert from Florida, USA.

It is often used in Mexican cuisine. In addition, the leaves of kaffir lime are used in dishes of Northeast Asia. The use of dried green lemons as a flavor is typical of Persian cuisine.

Lime is very suitable for flavoring fish, seafood and delicacies. Citrus is added to dressings and marinades.

Lime juice is very suitable for seasoning vegetable and fruit salads. If you squeeze lime juice on sliced fruits - apples, bananas and white vegetables, you can protect them from losing their natural color.

Lime, and more specifically its juice, is also widely used in beverages such as lime. Alcoholic cocktails with the addition of lime are tempting gin with tonic, margarita, mojito and Cuba Libre.
